Celebrating with Khan Odita as he receives his Points of Light award

Recently, I had the pleasure of witnessing my constituent Khan Odita, receive the Points of Light award for his outstanding volunteership.

If you live in or around the Princess Park ward of Liverpool Riverside you have probably come across UrbanScape- a community garden, created by Khan Odita of Mulgrave Street Action Group, on former derelict waste ground on Mulgrave Street.

Age 14, Khan began work to transform a fly-tipped piece of wasteland and just two years later this inspirational young man has brought together a wide range of stakeholders, with the community at the heart of it, and designed and delivered a beautiful, restful green oasis in the heart of the Toxteth area, planted and maintained by other volunteers.

I had the pleasure of attending the launch of ‘UrbanScape’ on the 6th April 2023 and speaking to local residents it was already clear how important the space had become. I am sure it will serve as a vital part of the social fabric of our local community bringing together residents of different ages, and backgrounds, as well as promoting and increasing the biodiversity of the area.

The garden is intended to serve as "a green escape in an urban place" as well as an outdoor events hub. Free activities are planned to run from the garden in the summer months including, gardening activities, art sessions & exhibitions, a human library and trade events.

This has been a truly wonderful project to watch develop in our community and I am incredibly proud of the work Khan and all those involved have achieved. This Points of Light award is confirmation of that hard work and the inspiring activism by Khan- a real community leader, one I am very proud to know and to have in my constituency.

See more about ‘UrbanSpace


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