Supporting campaign to save Lodge Lane chemist
Rowlands Pharmacy on Lodge Lane threatened with closure
Rowlands Pharmacy, the last chemist on Lodge Lane, recently announced its plans not only to close this store and relocate to The Elms, but prevent any other pharmacy from operating on that site.
I gave full support to the campaign, led by local councillors Laura Robertson-Collins and Nathalie Nicholas, backed by local residents, who campaigned to ensure a chemist remains in the locality.
Like them, I was dismayed at the decision to close what is a very well used chemist in the area. The proposed closure will be the third on Lodge Lane in recent years, leaving local residents in a ward with significantly higher than average ill health, due to poverty and deprivation, with difficulties in accessing their pharmaceutical needs.
At a time when more people are willing to attend pharmacies for basic health services, it doesn't seem wise to close a local chemist and prevent any other pharmacy service replacing it.
I logged an objection with NHS England and raised my concerns with the Health Secretary in Parliament. NHS England took into account the health inequalities in the area and refused permission for Rowlands to move to The Elms and, more importantly, to prevent any other chemist taking over those premises. Rowlands is appealing but, for now, thanks to the local population making their views clear, there will be a pharmacy on Lodge Lane.