Supporting the Black children who were wrongly labelled “educationally subnormal” in 1960s

Hosting colleagues from Leigh Day Law Firm who are supporting the children wrongly labelled as “educationally subnormal”, alongside activist Gus John (right), and the children affected.

This week in Parliament, I hosted an event looking at the misclassification of African-Caribbean children as “educationally subnormal” in the 1960s and 1970s.

Not only were these children wrongly labelled, they were placed in schools that were deemed to be for children with low intelligence.

This trauma has had a lasting impact for those who were robbed of proper education. They deserve justice and accountability.

Read more about the experience of the children here

View the BBC documentary here


Visiting Golden Gloves ABC


Joining volunteers at Al-Rahma Mosque to raise funds for the victims of Syrian earthquake