My week in Parliament

This week in Parliament I attended a number of drop-in events to give my support to some very important campaigns.

Firstly, I joined members of the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) Union on their picket line alongside my colleagues, Olivia Blake MP, John McDonnell MP and Mick Whitley MP. PCS members are currently on strike fighting for fair pay, as well as, better terms and working conditions. They have my full support in their dispute.

Next, I attended an event co-hosted by the National Union of Journalists, the National Federation for the Blind and the campaigners from Digital Poverty Alliance who were discussing the impacts of planned cuts to local radio and TV following a decision by the BBC earlier this year. I am opposed to these cuts as I believe they will have detrimental impacts on our local community, I will do all I can to-Keep BBC Local Radio Local- as the campaign calls for.

I then joined an event hosted by Alzheimer’s Research UK, discussing the future of dementia care. It was clear from speaking with campaigners and experts that in order to transform the future of dementia care, early diagnosis and access to social care are key. I fully support their campaign which calls for more funding in to Dementia Research.

Finally, I was proud to welcome Liverpool Riverside’s own The Brain Charity with CEO Pippa Sargent to Parliament, alongside my colleague Dawn Butler MP, as they launched their “It’s All in Your Head Report” which highlights the experiences of people with neurological conditions when seeking diagnosis. I am proud to have this fantastic organisation based in my constituency who are doing amazing work in our community.


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