My statement: The Home Secretary’s comment on refugees was shameful.

The Home Secretary’s hateful statements are the latest in a long line of attacks on fundamental rights and freedoms, and yet another example of government mainstreaming of far-right rhetoric.

We’ve seen the impact this racist hate speech has on the streets of Liverpool just last week, where an unholy alliance of the far-right organised a demonstration masquerading on misinformation about 15 minute cities. They prey on poor communities, exploiting declining living standards to spread their hate. They place the blame for collapsing public services and economic degradation on the vulnerable and the marginalised. We have a government that’s singing from the same hymn sheet.

Thirteen years of Tory austerity cuts, soaring inequalities and plummeting living standards. So the Tories are doing what they always do – deflecting anger and frustration onto easy targets, pitting neighbour against neighbour.

The late great Tony Benn once said that we should watch how a government treats its refugees, because it shows how it would treat British citizens if it can get away with it. We are seeing this now in real time.

As the numbers of people fleeing the impact of the climate crisis, from war to famine, grow in the coming years, we must fight with everything we have for a response rooted in solidarity, compassion and dignity.

Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here.


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