UPDATE: the fight to reform Joint Enterprise law continues
On Friday 2nd February my Private Member’s Bill Joint Enterprise (Significant Contribution) Bill was heard for it’s Second Reading in Parliament.
Despite my Bill having support from Members across the House, the Bill did not receive Government support and therefore has been deferred for a potential further reading to be held in June. I was pleased that the Labour front bench took this opportunity to reaffirm our Party’s commitment to reforming joint enterprise when we get into government.
The extra time I now have will provide me with more opportunities to lobby colleagues for their support so that we can continue to end the injustice of Joint Enterprise.
Further to this ongoing campaign, I have submitted an amendment New Clause 28 to the Criminal Justice Bill. The New Clause 28 is the same wording and change to the law as my PMB and will soon be scheduled for a Parliamentary debate – although the exact date is not yet known.
NC28 already has a number of sponsors and I am calling on more colleagues to back this amendment.
As the campaign continues I will be posting further updates on my social media platforms so please do keep an eye out.