The MPs backing my Bill to Reform Joint Enterprise

Today I hosted a drop-in event in Parliament concerning my Private Members’ Bill Joint Enterprise (Significant Contribution) Bill.
My Bill aims to reform the current Joint Enterprise law which is used to prosecute someone who “assists or encourages” an offence – and if found guilty, they are punished as harshly as if they had been the principal offender, which can lead to life imprisonment.
According to many legal experts, the problem is that Joint Enterprise is used in a much wider way, often convicting people who have made no significant contribution to a crime.
I made the case to fellow MP’s to support my Bill to ensure that this injustice is no longer carried out.
I was thrilled to be joined by a number of colleagues both MP’s and Lords, who you can see pictured above, as well as the fantastic campaigners from Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA) Aimee, Debs, Gloria, Lisa & Bea.
The second reading for my Bill will take place on Friday 2nd February.
Find out more about the campaign so far here.
Show your support for my Bill on social media using this graphic followed by #jointenterprise #nocontributionnoconviction